Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Globalization on territory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

globalisation on territory - Research Paper ExampleThus, globalization involves a reconfiguration of the society with increased return and trans-planetary connections between people, territory, states and nations.Economic globalization affects the territoriality of the nation-state, i.e. the territorial jurisdiction. Two notions can be used to explain this model critically. The notions are based on the concept of sovereignty, and the impact of both governmental and non-governmental institutions on the national state. The notions are-Global cities are sites for carrying out specialized functions so as to run and co-ordinate the global economy. These cities located in national territories are locations for performing the major dynamics and processes in relation to financial and investment aspects, and no matter of their geographical locations. These functions affect the growth and development of the territory.The global economy materializes in national territories to a bigger ext ent. Many national states have become deeply involved in the implementation of global economic system, and in the implementation of this process have experienced large transformation in their institutional structure, in both the aspects of economic and political.Economic Globalization has helped to strengthen certain segments of the national states, i.e. the banking functions, which have been developed as per with the development of technology. But certain segments in a territory have also been weakened on a lower floor the effect of economic globalization, such as, the decline small industries as they are losing their existence under the cause of globalization.In the recent decades, although the major interstate conflicts has declined, yet territorial conflicts still persists which is difficult to resolve. Conflicts are principally created within the borders of states which determine territoriality or the territorial stakes. Globalization affects territorial

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